Computers Should Not Replace Teachers 
1. Introduction
2. Computers have been pivotal in the teaching and learning process.
2.1. Computers can hold much more information than even the best teachers.
3. Teachers can interact with students on a personal level.
3.1. They can also conduct follow-ups and monitor student progress.
3.1.1. Computer cannot abruptly change lesson plans to specially fit every student.
3.2. Computer cannot ensure that the student understands the displayed content.
3.2.1. Computers can dispense myriads of information, but that does not mean that they can teach.
4. Replacing teachers with computers will also curtail the socialization process provided by the institution of school.
4.1. Some students aspire to become just like their teachers; an aspect that encourages learning more than anything else.
4.2. Students become mere recipients of information.
5. Conclusions
Innovation is presently being generally utilized as a part of the classroom to improve and advance educating furthermore, learning. The accessibility of new data innovation is adding to numerous advancements in classroom exercises. Systems and methods now used to bolster innovation in showing and learning empower educators to work synergistically with understudies while the understudies themselves get to be more inundated in their own learning. The motivation behind this paper is to investigate the mix of innovation in the instruction methodology and a percentage of the transforms they have created in classroom exercises. The point of this paper is to discriminatingly evaluate and close whether computers can supplant instructors in instruction spreading situations. The advantages and disadvantages of utilizing an educator were laid out versus the upsides and downsides of utilizing the computer technology. The primary destinations that the instructor plays major role in the learning procedure were confirmed. The research analysis came to the conclusion that the computer technology can't viably supplant an instructor in any learning mode. This study endeavors to take a gander at this announcement in light of the learning process in our schools.
Professional Research Paper: Computers Should Not Replace Teachers
The idea to use versatile PC in the classroom has been around for a very long period The first convenient Notebook-sized PCs were acquainted with the commercial center in the late 1980s. By the mid-1990s, they were presented in schools. Firstly, the schools didn`t use all the potential that had the computer technology. Lately, the schools started to understand the high potential in learning process with the use of a computer. This time 1:1 PC was presented to understudy projects. Today the technology use is considered to be powerful. However, if few years ago the computer use seemed to be a good technique supporting a teacher, today more and more researches claim that computers can totally replace the teachers.
That computer use has reasonably developed by level. In rudimentary evaluations, somewhat a greater number of respondents demonstrated they utilize desktops than the individuals who use laptops (68 percent versus 64 percent). In center school, the numbers skew marginally more toward advanced cells and laptops:
- 15 percent utilize little tablets;
- 47 percent utilize smart phones;
- 23 percent use bigger tablets;
- 7 percent use fundamental digital book peruses;
- 8 percent still utilize net books.
Teacher proficient advancement is completely vital if provided innovations are utilized adequately. Spending rare assets on educational equipment and programming without financing the proficient improvement of the instructor is inefficient. Experience of the industrialized countries has demonstrated that educator trainings in connection with the use of technologies are the key elements for enhanced understudy execution (in terms of learning obtaining and aptitudes improvement empowered by innovation). Instructive innovation is not transformative all alone. It obliges instructors who can coordinate innovation into the educational program in order to enhance understudy learning.
Therefore, computer technologies cannot supplant the instructors. The instructors are the way of adequately use of technology.
Computers have been pivotal in the teaching and learning process
New data innovations are progressively being adjusted and coordinated into the instructive methodology. The developing utilization of these advances in instructing and learning exercises has offered ascent to various inquiries. In 2005, exactly 97 percent of educators had one or more PCs placed in the classroom consistently, while 54 percent could bring PCs into the classroom. Web access was accessible for 93 percent of the PCs spotted in the classroom consistently and for 96 percent of the PCs that could be brought into the classroom. The proportion of understudies to PCs in the classroom consistently was 5.3 to 1. Instructors reported that they or their understudies utilized PCs as a part of the classroom amid instructional time frequently (40 percent) or here and there (29 percent). Educators reported that they or their understudies utilized PCs as a part of different areas in the school amid instructional time regularly (29 percent) or at times (43 percent).
Innovation of one kind or alternate has dependably been utilized as a part of the instructive environment. For quite a long time the printed page, chalk and writing slate, overhead projectors, filmstrips, 35mm movies and different gadgets have been used, and proceed to highlight in the showing and learning procedure. The utilization of these advances all the time bounds instructional and learning exercises to a particular spot and time. Notwithstanding, the development of more up to date types of innovation (e.g., PCs, PC circles intuitive (CD-i), videodisks, DVD, desktop videoconferencing, Interment) have made a reestablished enthusiasm for their utilization in supporting educating and learning exercises. These advances are additionally fit for advancing instructive exercises (synchronous or nonchronous) which are not restricted to particular time.
Computers can hold much more information than even the best teachers.
The main advantage of the computer is that it can hold much information. The great example can be Moodle. Moodle is a learning administration framework (LMS, likewise called VLE). From various perspectives, Moodle is similar to Lego, as it shows Slideshare presentation as well. Moodle can be and is effectively utilized from right on time years of Primary schools through to the Secondary division (illustrations) and colleges around the world. Moodle can be adjusted to suit learners of all ages in any learning environment, including business preparing. Moodle is utilized as a part of a mixed bag of fields. Clients in some branches of knowledge may advantage further from the standard or perfect outsider modules and plugins:
- In Maths, Tex documentation channel (standard) or DragMath mathematical statement proofreader (outsider plugin), and more than 10 outsider inquiry sorts.
- For dialect educators, the contributed Hotpot and Poodll plugins are exceptionally prominent.
- For science there are plugins for showing sub-atomic structures and making inquiries regarding them.
- For music there are inquiry sort plugins for key signature, music hypothesis, music interim and musical scale.
- For PC programming there in an intuitive assignment bundle and a few inquiry sorts.
Teachers can interact with students on a personal level.
A mixed bag of essential cooperation’s must happen in the middle of instructor and learner before showing and learning development into the procedure known as instruction. This fundamental reason holds genuine whether the instructive procedure happens in the classroom, through the mail, or by means of telecommunications. Educators of Web based courses require either specialized backing or specialized wise. Web course advancement obliges complete, comprehensive, front-stacked improvement, instead of everyday arranging. The presence of data on the PC screen is discriminating to understudy content connection in a Web class. In conventional pedantic settings, the vicinity of the educator develops the communication between the understudy and content. It makes up for hurriedly composed overhead transparencies or drawings on a blackboard. In separation training, the substance must remain all alone.
They can also conduct follow-ups and monitor student progress.
One of the advantages of the interaction via the Web is that the teacher can always monitor students’ progress. PC interceded specialized apparatuses encourage understudy and teacher communication on a few levels. The teacher can habitually utilize electronic-mail (email) to collaborate with individual understudies and rundown serves to contact the class. Email is routinely used to give criticism to individual understudies with respect to assignments and answers to particular inquiries. Each understudy's last assessment and grade rundown was transmitted electronically to the understudy. Electronic mail and the strung message prepare to leave are especially valuable as approaches to trade data whenever of the day or night.
Computer cannot abruptly change lesson plans to specially fit every student
Another thing that is beneficial in educational process via the Web is that computer cannot abruptly change lesson plans to specially fit every student. Computer is only a tool in the educational process. Without the teacher and its leading nothing can be done.
Computer cannot ensure that the student understands the displayed content
At the point when understudies supplant paper and pen with a PC for training, penmanship abilities may endure. Grown-up learners advantage from expanded mind action when composing new data by hand, especially in subjects, for example, math and science. Most PC word transforming projects incorporate a spelling and language structure check, and understudies may depend too vigorously on the PC to remedy spelling and syntactic blunders. In addition, computer will never evaluate the students’ creativity, uniqueness and originality in his or her answer. The papers can be checked only whether they have plagiarism or the proper grammar structure, however only teacher can evaluate the work in a proper way.
Computers can dispense myriads of information, but that does not mean that they can teach.
PCs can check a paper's spelling and linguistic use, however they can't show somebody style or help elucidate a thought. They can give an evaluation, however can't applaud somebody. They can show a novel section or ballad to the screen, however can't sit amidst a gathering of kids and read it with the right voices. They can show a three-dimensional model of a sodium chloride atom, yet can't answer an inquiry regarding it unless the developers who planned the model had foreseen the inquiry heretofore. They can recount the account of the Alamo, complete with pictures and sounds, however can't advise what it feels like to stroll inside the room where Jim Bowie passed on. They can tell an understudy that his or her answer isn't right, yet can't wipe away the disappointed tear that may take after. They can record whether an understudy is display in class, however can't inquire as to why the understudy looks apprehensive or irate or discouraged. They can print a story that an understudy has composed, yet can't remember its potential and urge the understudy to continue composing.
Replacing teachers with computers will also curtail the socialization process provided by the institution of school
Socialization is a piece of educator instruction, and exchange of the phenomena includes the moral results of educator instruction programs on the arrangement of considerations and activities of the understudies. The institutional structures and the people interface. As understudy instructors take part in the everyday activities and occasions of planning, they build implications about the assignments and obligations of educating. Sometimes teacher becomes an ideal for the student. The educator can be the one who will help the student to choose its own life pass. Computer cannot be a good friend. Computer cannot replace the communication. Sometimes teacher can be the only person to whom the student opens.
Some students aspire to become just like their teachers; an aspect that encourages learning more than anything else
A good instructor can change an understudy's life. There are a perpetual measure of stories that bear witness to the regale of an in number relationship between a teacher and student.
As the absolute most persuasive good examples for creating understudies, instructors are in charge of more than simply scholarly advancement. The teacher must interface with his or her students and achieve them on different levels, in light of the fact that the best educators are focused on their understudies' prosperity both inside and outside the classroom. By fashioning solid connections, teachers have the capacity to influence practically every part of their understudies' lives, showing them the imperative life lessons that will help them succeed past research papers and state sanctioned tests.
Students become mere recipients of information
It is not generally simple to change an understudy's life, which is the reason it takes an awesome instructor to do as such. Some recently require an additional push - like the understudy whose math grade is only a couple of focuses bashful from the A that will issue them a 4.0 GPA; others may be experiencing something disturbing in their own lives and need somebody to converse with. Whatever the understudy needs to help them exceed expectations, a groundbreaking instructor will be there for them.
Innovation in training assumes a vital part in enhancing the instructive abilities and information of the individuals. Innovation in training is showed through the utilization of PCs. This is an incredible help for educators since they can improve their showing abilities and techniques each time they are confronting their class. This innovation is a key for both: the understudies and the educator. There are a few occasions wherein this innovation is seen to be disadvantageous for them two also. The presentation of new data innovation in showing and learning has affected the conventional classroom exercises. The different advancements produce a more prominent level of cooperation between and among educators and understudies. They moreover help to improve the instructive environment while giving enhancement in the learning knowledge. Its joining in this methodology ought to be as an extremity, as well as a vital piece of the showing and learning targets. Utilizing innovation of any sort in the instructional methodology gets to be profitable just when they are seen only as components in a decently developed learning environment. The utilization of innovation, accordingly, ought to be driven by particular targets identified with guideline and learning with direct linkages to the educational module. However, computer technologies are nothing but the tool that, which should be lead by a professional teacher.