Article Critique Sample about Drunkard`s Behaviors 
What the Researchers Are Investigating In This Paper
Scientists have been debating on the topic of drunkards’ behaviors for a while and some of them concluded that an addictive personality among alcoholics exists (Berglund et al, 2011). Kristina Berglund and her colleagues did a research on whether the personality exists or not. The researchers were inclined on investigating males who drink excessively and yet still have stable social lives. The males who consume a lot of alcohol and get blown out of proportion were not the target of this research. People who drink and loose themselves to evil and bad social behavior are classified under type two category. Those in type one appears to have a lot of social stability even after excessive intake of alcohol. The researches aimed at investigating people who fall under type one. These people remain very stable in their mind. The researchers investigated whether these stable drunkards have an addictive personality.
Hypothesis Being Tested and the Applied Concepts
The researchers are testing drunkards to assess whether an addictive personality exists among those heavy drinkers with normal social behavior. The research narrows on those heavy drinkers with normal and stable social life. Those drunkards under type two category, whose social lives are adversely affected by alcohol are not included in this research.
Evaluation of the Article and a Critique on the Statistics
I think the researchers had an error in their choice of the normative group. How did the authors determine that this normative group consumes less alcohol compared to their target research group? It is very possible that the normative group could be heavy drunkards. No data was available to show the level of alcohol intake among the normative group. The absence of this data is a weakness in the research. Furthermore, whether the two groups were representative and similar in their alcohol intake is unknown. The KSP scale is a weak indicator in assessing variables. The identity of the groups and validation of their traits would have helped clarify the accuracy of the research.
Assumptions and Limitations of the Statistical Study
The methodology used by authors is limiting according to my analysis. It would have been better to have more people to be investigated. Berglund and colleagues used many variables to come out with results of the investigation, yet the people surveyed were few and imbalanced. The number of normative sample and the perceived addicts should have been the same. The number could have been increased to one hundred and forty each while retaining the variables of study. A larger group gives a better assessment of the research question. A modeling fitting tool would have been better in results analysis than the PCA. In model fitting, the heavy drinkers would have been classified and investigated on their own, followed by a comparison with the normative sample later on.
How the Authors Applied Statistical Testing
The first step was sampling the study population. The researchers recruited one hundred heavy drinkers through interviews. Another one hundred and thirty one were selected to form a control experiment group. Recruiting the respondents through advertisement was useful in creating a well spread sample without any bias on the researchers. Berglund and colleagues used PCA to analyze the results of the study. This tool helped assessing the presence of any relationship between the heavy drinkers and the control group.
Evaluation of the Results
The KSP scales revealed mean values both for the heavy drunkards and the control group. No difference between these two groups was spotted in the research. The research had a conclusion that no addictive personality exists with heavy drunkards whose social life is normal. The statistical conclusion is correct as a result of absence of a contrast between the two groups.