Frequently Asked Questions

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Do you need a professional essay paper written? Have you ever considered using one of the writing services that can be found online? Now, students can buy an essay at an affordable price and receive excellent writing that has been professionally executed. exists to help students, such as yourself, receive the high quality essay paper writing that they deserve!

  • I cannot find the necessary order type in your list. What should I do?

    In this case, you need to send your instructions through the Live Chat to our support managers, and we will check on them. After that, we will let you know what assignment type should be chosen based on your guidelines.

  • Is worth my trust?

    Absolutely. At our writing service, you can choose a Preferred Writer`s option and we will assign your preferred specialist to your order. All you need to do is just fill in the Preferred Writer`s field with the ID of the writer you want to cooperate with. After that, we will inform the specialist about your order. Please note that you will be charged an additional 15% for this option. The payment will go directly to your writer to ensure the priority of your order for this specialist.

  • Can you work on my coding assignment?

    At our service, we provide writing assistance only. Unfortunately, we cannot help you with assignments related to coding, application development, or programming.

  • How can I change my phone number/password/e-mail?

    You can update your personal information in the tab Profile. Make sure to log in to your account and then go to Profile. Then, you need to select Edit profile and make the necessary changes. To save updates please click on the Save Changes tab.

  • What topics can you uncover at

    There are no topics that would be too challenging for our specialists. We can uncover absolutely all topics you may face at school, college, or university. Every month, we hire more talented representatives of the writing industry specializing in different fields. Our writers are capable of creating top-notch papers tailored to the requirement of our customers.

  • What makes you different from other writing companies?

    We never give empty promises. The highest quality of writing services is not an empty promise but our mission. When you become our customer, you don`t need to worry about the originality of your paper or the competency of your writing assistant. To meet the highest standards of quality, we hire the most talented, skilled, and responsible writers. You need to be careful with the companies that promise to deliver a research paper in 1 hour or at unbelievably cheap prices. Do you think a good writer would work for nothing?

  • What discounts do you have?

    We provide our customers with amazing discounts that can economize their money. If you have ordered more than 30 pages on our website, we will provide you with a 5% discount on your next orders. After purchasing 50+ pages, you will receive a 10% discount. Finally, more than 100 ordered pages will bring you a 15% discount on all your next orders. What is more, our first-time customers receive 15% discount on their first orders.

  • What are the main advantages of your company?

    We are confident that meeting the expectations of our customers in terms of quality is impossible without constant growth. We monitor the needs and wishes of our clients to provide them with papers of premium quality. Customers` satisfaction is our priority; thus, we are committed to excellence in everything we do. In particular, we introduce new options to make our service enjoyable for our customers. Now, you can communicate with the writer working on the order, do the billing verification, monitor the order status, attach class materials to the system, and provide clarifications regarding your task. Also, you are free to download your paper any time after the deadline. To ensure the highest levels of quality, we have implemented a new writer match system, which enables us to find the most suitable expert for every assignment. To meet the growing demands of our clients, we hire 10 new seasoned writing professionals capable of handling the most challenging academic tasks every week. Finally, our support managers are ready to address your questions and concerns 24 hours per day!

  • Can you send a draft of my paper?

    Yes, you can order a Draft option, and we will provide you with a 1-page draft after 50% of the deadline passes. Please, note that this option is paid additionally.

  • Will you share my personal information with third parties?

    No, we have a strict privacy policy allowing us to keep the personal information of our customers absolutely confidential. To avoid any privacy issues, we have implemented the rule that the writer working on the order does not have access to the customer`s name, e-mail, etc. At the same time, our customers do not have access to their writers` personal information as well.

  • Can you do my web application assignment?

    Our company provides its customers with writing services only. In case you need assistance with coding or programming tasks, you will need to look for another service.

  • My online test will last for an hour but I cannot find this urgency on your website. Can you help me?

    Yes, we can help you in case there is a writer who will agree to complete your test in one hour. To make sure that the appropriate writer can be found, you will need to double-check it with our team. 

  • Will you be able to help me with a very sophisticated assignment?

    Yes, our company has writers specializing in different fields of study. No matter if you need our help with a high school paper or a sophisticated Ph.D. project, you can be sure that we will find a suitable expert who will complete your task successfully.

  • Do you guarantee any grades?

    No, we cannot guarantee any grades because each professor judges differently. However, we can guarantee that your paper will be written at the highest level. This means that it will be perfect in terms of content, format, structure, and mechanics.

  • What assignment type should I select?

    To understand exactly which order should be placed, you will need to contact our support managers and provide them with the description of your task. After the thorough study of your assignment, one of our managers will assist you with the order placement.

  • Do you complete urgent assignments?

    Yes, our company has advanced experience in handling urgent tasks. However, if you are not sure whether your order can be completed, you should get in touch with our support managers and one of them will inform you whether we can meet your deadline.

  • I have already completed a part of my assignment. Can you finish my paper for me?

    Yes, we will gladly assist you. You will just need to provide us with the paper that should be completed, as well as a detailed description of your project. In case of having any difficulties with placing an order, you will need to ask our support team for assistance.

  • I don`t want to provide you with my phone number. Why should I do that?

    You are not obliged to provide us with your personal information, such as your phone number or e-mail. However, you should understand that it will significantly facilitate our communication allowing us to provide you with the anticipated outcome.

  • Can I communicate with my writer directly?

    Yes, you can talk to your writer directly through our convenient messaging system. In case of having an urgent question or request, you can ask our support managers to forward it to your writer. Our support team is working 24/7 for your convenience.

  • What is your pricing policy?

    Taking take of our customers, we have developed a great price and quality balance. The price of your order will depend on different factors including the deadline, academic level, the number of pages, etc. To find out how much you will need to pay for your order, you will need to check our Prices section. Alternatively, you can contact our support managers through Live Chat, and one of them will calculate the price of your order.

  • Can I negotiate the price for my order?

    According to our policies, our prices are stable. However, you can always contact our support managers and discuss special offers available to you. Also, you should know that we have a great affiliate program that allows all of our customers, both new and returning ones, to get great discounts. If you place an order now, there are high chances that you will get a discount.

  • Can I get some assurance that my order is manageable before placing it on your website?

    Sure. You will need to contact our support managers and discuss your task with them. Only if one of our managers confirms that your assignment can be done you can place an order at our service.

  • The system doesn`t allow me to proceed with the order placement. What should I do?

    Most probably, you are trying to attach files with a big size. In this case, you will need to refresh the page and proceed with placing an order without files. Once the order is verified, you will need to contact our support managers and ask them to attach your files to the order.

  • I want a specific writer from one of my previous orders. How can I request him/her?

    You will need to log in to the system and find the order you were satisfied with. Then, you will need to find the personal ID of your writer. When filling in the order form for your new order, you will need to put this ID into the Preferred Writer`s field.

  • Will you deliver my paper on time?

    Yes, timely delivery is one of our primary guarantees. Thus, when placing an order, you will need to choose the deadline carefully. No matter what urgency you select, we will provide you with a well-written paper without any delays.

  • The professor/writer asked me to add an extra page to my order. How can I pay for it?

    To do it, you will need to log in to your account and click on the Additional order next to your order and submit an order form. Then, you will be transferred to the regular payment page. In this case, the orders will be linked together. If you have no opportunity to log in, you can ask our support managers to place an additional order for you.

  • Can you send my paper earlier?

    According to our policies, our customers receive their orders within the deadlines allocated. In case you want to receive it earlier, we can fulfill your request but you will need to pay compensation to cover the price difference. If you aren`t sure how to place an order, you will need to get in touch with our support managers and they will assist you with the order placement.

  • How can I get a refund in a form of bonus credits? Will I be able to use these credits afterward?

    In this case, you will need to notify our support agents about your decision. Bonus credits will be assigned to your personal account once the refund request is approved. As soon as the bonus is credited, you will be able to use it during the payment process. Please, note that bonus credits will be available to you only if your refund request is approved.

  • I was told that my order will be refunded. How long will it take?

    The refund process will take from 3 to 5 business days depending on the policies of your bank or payment processing company.

  • Where can I find my completed paper?

    You will need to go to My Orders – Completed Orders – click on the order ID – check the Files section. If you find it difficult to access the final paper, you can ask our support managers to provide you with it.

  • Who will write my paper? hires outstanding writers that are highly qualified to write every paper. Each order is individually assigned to the writer that has the greatest expertise in the topic being addressed. When students buy research papers from, a research assistant is assigned to help the writer in obtaining the most pertinent, timely data to be used in the paper.

  • How can I be certain that my paper will not appear elsewhere on the web?

    Every paper is written individually for the customer that orders it. The customer is the only person who can control what happens to it after the essay leaves our hands.

  • What format are your custom essays written in?

    The customer can request any standardized writing format that he or she desires. Our writers are knowledgeable about all formatting styles and can accommodate any request for any style of formatting.

  • How do I order my own custom essay from

    Students need only proceed to the order page at and follow the instructions that are given there. Each student is asked to specify a topic, number of pages, the desired delivery date, and the number of sources that he or she wishes our writers to use. Our writers will do the rest.

  • What if I do not like the finished product?

    We work in unison with our customers, revising and amending documents. If, after revisions, the customer is still not satisfied with our work, we offer a refund for money spent toward the purchase of the project according to our Terms.

  • Do you sell pre-written essays?

    Although we do keep a few prewritten essays on hand to serve as writing examples, we never sell prewritten essays. Each essay written for the customers of is original.

  • Do I need to worry about plagiarism?

    No, there is no need to worry about plagiarism when buying a paper from All written products are produced from scratch using the customization details that the customer requests when the order is placed. Our professional editors check and double check, using state-of-the-art anti-plagiarism software, to make sure that no plagiarism exists in any document that we sell. For an additional price, the customer may be issued the report that is generated by our software that proves that each document is original. There is absolutely no risk of plagiarism with any paper written by our competent writers. We put this promise in writing in the form of an official money back guarantee.

  • Can you write my bibliography page for me?

    Not only can we write a bibliography page, we will provide it absolutely free of charge! We are famous for providing every customer with free pages with each order placed.

  • How does your custom essay service work?

    When a student comes to us to buy research papers, online essays or other types of custom writing, his or her order is assigned to a professional writer that has expertise in the area of the paper’s topic to be written. The custom essay is then sent to our quality control department where professional editors polish it and check for plagiarism before it is returned to the customer.